Free Speech Systems Media Holdings dba Infowars

ThreeSixty does not post auction results for any of its sales. The sale outcome will be filed with the Bankruptcy Court as outlined in the Winddown Order. Please refer to the Bankruptcy Court filing for more information.
For Parties Interested in Piecemeal Purchases of Remaining Assets at Auction:
By Order of the US Bankruptcy Court in the matter of Alexander E. Jones
By Order of the US Bankruptcy Court in the matter of Alexander E. Jones
Free Speech Systems Media Holdings
Including Infowars Production Rights, Archival Production Library, and Social Media Accounts; Ecommerce Site; Domain Names;
Additional Intellectual Property May be Added… Check Back Soon
BID DEADLINE: November 8 at 2pm CT
- Interested Parties will be required to submit a Non-Disclosure Agreement prior to receiving additional information and bid materials.
- Assets shall be available for bidding in various groupings and as an entirety*.
- All Bids will be subject to qualification, including a 10% bid deposit.
- Bidders submitting bids deemed competitive by the Bankruptcy Trustee and Auctioneer may be invited to participate in a round of live over-bidding.
- Assets may ultimately be sold for parts or as an entirety for continued operation based on the Trustee’s determination of highest and best bids (complete terms will be available in the bid package).
- Funds generated from this sale will be distributed by the Trustee under the guidelines of the US Bankruptcy court and for the benefit of estate creditors, largely comprised of the families of the Sandy Hook victims.
- This transparent sale process will allow any party to participate and purchase the assets regardless of intended asset usage, provided only that the parties comply with the terms of sale and meet the qualification requirements, including provision of proof of financial capacity to close.
- The sale of the assets of Free Speech Systems is subject in all respects to approval and further order by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (In re Alexander E. Jones, Case No. 22-33553 (Bankr. S.D. Tex.)).
ASSETS TO INCLUDE (Subject to Additions/Deletions/Revision)
• Production Rights & Materials
• Domain Names
• Social Media Accounts
• Podcast Sites
• Newsletter Subscribers
• Production Equipment (Optional)**
INFOWARS STORE (as a Package)
• Domain Name
• Product Trademarks
• Product Vendor Contacts
• E-Commerce Platform
• Associated Customer Lists
• Approx. (300) Domain Names
BIDDERS MAY ALSO BID ON ALL FSS ASSETS AS A PACKAGE AND NEGOTIATE A NEW FACILITY LEASE FOR CONTINUED OPERATIONS ONSITE (Note that in such case buyer will need to negotiate separate employment agreements with operations personnel and talent)
**Note that the option to bid on physical assets (i.e. production equipment) as part of this offering will only be as a bulk offering in combination with an Inforwars Intellectual Property bid. If the physical assets are not sold under this offering, they will be offered through a piecemeal auction currently scheduled for December 10. For more information on that sale, click here.
Parties interested in more information can request a Non-Disclosure Agreement to receive additional information. Request and NDA must be properly completed and information must be verifiable by ThreeSixty to ThreeSixty’s and Trustee’s satisfaction in order for NDA to be accepted.
**Please DO NOT DISTURB THE BUSINESS OR THE TRUSTEE; Any and all inquiries MUST be made to ThreeSixty or Tranzon.
Sale Date(s) & Time(s)
Initial Bid Deadline: November 8 at 2pm CT
Preview Date(s) & Time(s)
Contact: [email protected] for more information
Facility in Austin, Texas
For Parties Interested in Piecemeal Purchases of Remaining Assets at Auction:
Important Information
Please click on each section (>) below for important sale information:
To participate in the sale:
- NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT: You must complete a non-disclosure agreement, before receiving an additional information. Request and NDA must be properly completed and information must be verifiable by ThreeSixty to ThreeSixty’s and Trustee’s satisfaction in order for NDA to be accepted.
- DUE DILIGENCE: Bidders must conduct their own due diligence. However, ThreeSixty will attempt to support any information requests made… Please do not disrupt anyone at the business.
- BIDDING QUALIFICATION: Interested Parties will need to Qualify for participation.
- Specific Terms will be posted here soon.
- RIGHTS RESERVED: ThreeSixty and the Chapter 7 Trustee reserve all rights to modify timing and sale process as necessary and at their sole discretion in conformity with the court order.
ThreeSixty Support | Direct: 720-704-5400 ext. 110 | [email protected]
Sale in Cooperation With:
Go to: Tranzon Asset Advisors